Science (Mental)

Science is a broad church, covering everything from basic principles of life to the understanding of universal entropy. The laws of science govern the mortal world, and vampires who wish to rule that world study them.
Levels of the Science Skill roughly match those in Academics, from “some college” to “world-famous scholar.”
Also like Academics, characters with a rating in Science get a free specialty.

You dabble in the sciences and understand the principles behind the building blocks of life.
• •You can accurately explain the competing scientific theories of the Embrace to another vampire.
• • •You make an excellent scientific manager; you can run a laboratory, interpret scientific findings, and get up to speed on scientific research in most fields. You can repair scientific equipment.
• • • •You are an expert in your field and in those allied to it.
• • • • •Few peers match your understanding, and others come to you for guidance.


Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Demolitions, Engineering, Genetics, Geology, Mathematics, Physics
