Low clan

You come from one of the clans historically identified as “Low,” though in your domain, it’s less past than present-night fact. You labor under the weight of a heavy curse, heavier (you might argue) than those of High Clan vampires. Your geographical region determines which clans the eldest vampires still consider Low, but uniformly, the Gangrel, Malkavians, and Nosferatu fill that bracket, with Brujah and Tremere also occupying that position in various domains. Your status as a Low Clan Kindred marks you as less than your peers, but you are still a prominent source of rebellion and counter-culture. You have access to the bottom rungs of society, and all the benefits and drawbacks that come with it.

Thick Hide:
Often denigrated by those who name themselves “High,” your ambition and independence do not falter with belittling words and snubs. You do not respond easily to base provocations. Once per story, you can shrug off verbal barbs for a scene without needing to make a test.
• •Cursed with Pride:
In some cases, the Low Clans take great pride in the severity of their banes. For example, some Nosferatu believe their hideous appearances are a mark of glorious monstrosity, instead of something to be hidden. You have learned to use your clan bane as a weapon, gaining an automatic success on one roll per story when incorporating your bane into an action.
• • •Uncanny Kinship:
Due to persistent persecution from the High Clans, vampires of Low Clans feel inclined to stick together. You often mediate between Low Clan disputants, and you see the merit of the underworld’s Kindred banding together against the hegemony of the High. You can select three dots from among Mawla or Status from other Low Clans in the domain.
• • • •Trade Among Equals:
For all their suffering, the Low Clans benefited from their adversity in one key way – they taught each other their powers. This collaboration may not be true in all domains, but this old tale still holds in yours. You may select one Low Clan’s Discipline and buy dots of that Discipline, using experience points as if it was in-clan for you.
• • • • •Criticality Incident:
Your influence among Low Clan vampires can let you tip the scales of power in your domain – if you choose. Add one die to all your pools for Projects undermining High Clans in your domain. Once per chronicle, you can sacrifice up to 10 of your own Background dots to bring down the same number of High Clan Kindred in a coup.